About Us
“Fantastika” – a term appropriated from a range of Slavonic languages by John Clute – embraces the genres of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Gothic Horror, but can also include Alternate History, Steampunk, Young Adult Dystopic Fiction, or any other radically imaginative narrative space. Fantastika Journal began in 2014 as a series of yearly conferences held at Lancaster University, UK. Expanded and peer-reviewed articles from the first two conferences were published in The Luminary. Following the success of these, Fantastika Journal launched in 2017. We aim to release 2 issues a year: a special themed edition and a general issue. We also continue to organise yearly conferences and events. This year, in order to promote global accessibility and to cut-down on our carbon footpath, we have switched to a digital symposium with papers to be released in podcast form. See Upcoming Events for details.

Our Vision
The goal of Fantastika Journal and its annual conference is to bring together academics and independent researchers who share an interest in this diverse range of fields with the aim of opening up new dialogues, productive controversies and collaborations. We invite articles and reviews examining all mediums and disciplines which concern the Fantastika genres. By moving away from divisions – between genres categories, geographical locations, or temporal moments – we can focus on common themes and concerns and better foster relations between scholars who have shared interests. We follow a model that focuses on empathy, collaboration, and community.
The journal is open-access and any related events (conferences and digital symposiums) are free as well in order to encourage accessibility from people of all economic and educational backgrounds.
Guest Editors/Organisers
If you are interested in guest editing or organising a Fantastika special edition or event, please email Dr. Charul ("Chuckie") Palmer-Patel and Dr. Kerry Dodd at fantastikajournal@gmail.com with your CV. Be sure to include in your email the topic/pitch, a brief overview of your editing or organisational experiences, and your interest in Fantastika.
Note that all Fantastika publications and events must be free/open-access.
If you are interested in guest editing/organising with a colleague, please send one email including the details of all parties. Be sure to CC them into the email so that we may have contact details.