Our Publications
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Volume 6. Issue 1. February 2022
This special issue is inspired by the sixth Fantastika Conference,"Embodying Fantastika," which took place 8-10 August 2019 at Lancaster University, UK. The conference sought to investigate how various bodily form are addressed or ruptured across a myriad of canvases, whether this was represented in terms of (re)construction, transposition, or destabilisation.

Volume 4. Issue 1. July 2020
This special issue is based off the fifth Fantastika conference, After Fantastika, which was held on 6-7 July 2018 at Lancaster Universty, UK. The conference investigated how definitions of time are negotiated within Fantastika literature, exploring not only the conception of its potential rigidity but also how its prospective malleability offers an avenue through which orthodox systems of thought may be reconfigured. By interrogating the principal attributes of this concept alongside its centrality to human thought, this issue considers how Fantastika may offer an alternate lens through which to examine the past, present, and future of time itself.
Volume 3. Issue 1. January 2019
This special issue of Fantastika Journal is inspired by the fourth Fantastika conference, "Performing Fantastika," which was held 28-29 April 2017 at Lancaster University, UK. The conference focused on performative bodies including performance in theatrical plays and films, as well as an examination of the body itself. How is the body performed and perceived in Fantastika texts? How do Fantastika texts and our interaction with Fantastika texts modulate our understanding of performative bodies?

Volume 1. Issue 2. December 2017
The first special issue of Fantastika Journal is inspired by the third Fantastika Conference, "Global Fantastika," which was held on 4-5 July 2016 at Lancaster University, UK. The conference considered a range of Global topics: productions of Fantastika globally; themes of contact within and across nations and borders; fictional and real empires; themes of globalisation and global networks, mobilities, and migrations; and (post)colonial texts and readings, including notions of the ‘other.’ Some of the articles in this issue originate from the conference, along with a range of articles and reviews which were inspired by this Global theme.

Volume 1. Issue 1. April 2017
The inagural issue explores and evaluates current research into Fantastika. As well as cataloguing and challenging established critical stances and recent developments, we investigate approaches which embrace the self-reflexivity latent in the study of speculative and fantastical texts. The articles and editorials in this first issue consider critical taxonomies and developmental trends of the genres of Fantastika.
The Luminary. Issue 7. Summer 2016
Issue 7 of The Luminary extended papers from the second Fantastika Conference, "Locating Fantastika," which was held 7-8 July 2015 at Lancaster University, UK. The conference explored all areas of space, setting, and locations, either in the fictional world of Fantastika or in fantastical networks with the real world.

The Luminary. Issue 6. Summer 2015
Issue 6 of The Luminary extended papers from the first Fantastika Conference, "Visualizing Fantastika," which was held at Lancaster University, UK on 4 July 2024. This first conference considered the visual possibilities of the fantastic in a wide range of arts and media.