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Previous Events Hosted by Fantastika

LGBTQIA+ Fantastika Graphics

20 November 2021; A Digital Symposium

The first Fantastika digital symposium considered representations of the LGBTQIA+ community, relationships, and full spectrum of identities in a wide range of graphic forms.


Podcasts of the presentations can be found here.


Organisers: Kerry Dodd & C. Palmer-Patel

Embodying Fantastika

8-10 August 2019; Lancaster University, UK

The sixth annual Fantastika conference aimed to define, challenge and debate conceptualisations of embodiment by investigating how various bodily forms are addressed or ruptured across a myriad of canvases, whether it be through (re)construction, transposition or indeed destabilisation.


Keynotes were delivered by Prof. Sherryl Vint (University of California, Riverside, USA) and Dr. Sara Wasson (Lancaster University, UK)


Conference Organisers: Kerry Dodd & Mike Ryder,

After Fantastika

6-7 July 2018, Lancaster University, UK

The fifth annual Fantastika Conference considered what comes ‘after,’ exploring the impact of temporal narratives within Fantastika and related genres.


Keynotes were delivered by Dr Caroline Edwards (Birkbeck, University of London, UK) and Dr Andrew Tate (Lancaster University, UK).


Conference Organisers: Kerry Dodd with Charul (Chuckie) Palmer-Patel assisting

Performing Fantastika

28-29 April 2017, Lancaster University, UK

The fourth Fantastika Conference ​focused on performative bodies in Fantastika. This included performance in theatrical plays and films, as well as an  examination of the body itself. How is the body performed and perceived  in fantastika texts? How do Fantastika texts and our interaction with Fantastika texts modulate our understanding of performative bodies?


Keynotes were delivered by Eddie Robson (Lancaster, UK), Prof Catherine Spooner (Lancaster University, UK), and Dr Tajinder Hayer (Lancaster University, UK)


Conference Organisers: Charul (Chuckie) Palmer-Patel & Brian Baker

Global Fantastika

4-5 July 2016, Lancaster University, UK

The third Fantastika Conference ​focused on productions of Fantastika globally, as well as considered themes of contact across nations and borders within Fantastika.


Keynotes were delivered by Prof. David Punter (University of Bristol, UK), Dr. Mark Bould (University of the West of England, UK), and a joint keynote by Dr. Sarah Ilott (Teeside University, UK) and Chloé Germaine Buckley (Lancaster University, UK).


Conference Organisers: Charul (Chuckie) Palmer-Patel & Rachel Fox

Locating Fantastika

7-8 July 2015, Lancaster University, UK

The second Fantastika Conference explored all areas of space, setting, and locations, either  in the fictional world of fantastika or in fantastical networks with  the real world.


Keynotes were delivered by Dr. Ruth Heholt (Falmouth University, UK) and Philippa Semper (University of Birmingham, UK).


Conference Organisers: Charul (Chuckie) Patel

Visualizing Fantastika

4 July 2014, Lancaster University, UK

The first Fantastika Conference considered the visual possibilities of the fantastic in a  wide range of arts and media.


Keynotes were delivered by Dr. Brian Baker (Lancaster University, UK) and Bryan Talbot (UK)


Conference Organizers: Charul (Chuckie) Patel, Rhianon Jones & Vivien Leanne Saunders


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